About Me
I, Ethan, started wood turning 13 years ago and was hooked immediately. I initially created the brand Cook Crafted Workshop to sell my turnings. Within my first 3 years I turned and sold more than 1,100 sewing seam rippers and over 100 pens.
I started off turning the cheapest blanks I could buy slowly progressing to fancier and more expensive turning blanks for my projects. I often was not happy with the quality of the expensive blanks I purchased and researched how to make them better and cheaper for my own use. I began stabilizing all my wood blanks and casting resin and Hybrid blanks - resin and stabilized wood.
Making blanks is just as fun as turning them. I made extra blanks and gave them to other pen and wood turners as gifts. The feedback was so positive that I was encouraged to start producing quality pen turning blocks for sale.
I still turn on my 2 wood lathes but more time is spend and enjoyed making blanks for other turners.